

What Are the Benefits of Attending SLM Sessions for My Child?

At SLM, we focus on holistic child development. Our sessions enhance cognitive, physical, emotional, and social growth through engaging activities. Children build essential skills while having fun and making friends.

What Is the Six-Station Approach?

Our sessions feature six engaging stations: Gross Motor, Sensory Bin, Messy Play, Arts and Crafts, Homemade Playdough, and Cognitive Activities. We kickstart with an interactive story and wrap up with Bubble and Music Time, followed by a relaxing session. These stations blend fun and learning to support your child's holistic development.

What Ages Are Suitable for SLM Sessions?

Our sessions are tailored for babies and toddlers from 6 months to 4 years old. Children are grouped according to their age to ensure that activities align with their developmental needs.

What Do I Need to Bring to a Session?

We recommend bringing a change of clothes as some sessions involve messy play. All other materials and equipment will be provided by our experienced teachers.

Can I Bring a Friend or Relative to a Session?

Absolutely! You can bring another adult along, but we recommend checking with us in advance to ensure we have space available. You can reach out through our website, email (info@shapinglittleminds.com), or phone.

Can a Different Adult Accompany My Child If I've Made the Booking?

Yes, you can have a different adult accompany your child. They'll need to provide the child's details upon arrival at the session.

Do I Have to Make All Reservations at Once if I Purchase a Voucher?

You have flexibility. If you buy a voucher for 2 sessions, you have up to one month to make reservations. For a voucher covering 4 sessions, you have up to 2 months from the purchase date.

Is Payment Required in Advance?

Yes, sessions are booked through our website. If spots are available, you can pay with cash on-site, as we don't have card payment facilities.

Are Accompanying Adults Actively Involved in the Sessions?

Absolutely! In certain activities and games, the child's companion may be asked to assist or guide them based on the teacher's instructions. This personalized help enhances the child's experience and learning.

Is There a Discount for First-Time SLM Session Participants?

Yes, we offer a generous 36% discount for your child's first session with us.

How Long Does Each Class Last?

Each class is designed to be 45 minutes of interactive, enjoyable learning. It's a time for your child to bond with you, make new friends, and explore their potential.

What Can Very Young Babies Learn in These Sessions?

Even the youngest babies (6-12 months) can benefit. Our sessions are adapted to their developmental stage, and their brains are actively processing and learning from their environment. These early experiences lay the foundation for future learning.

Why Are Babies and Toddlers in the Same Group for Your Activities?

At SLM, we believe in fostering a supportive environment where children of different ages can learn from and interact with each other. This setup helps with social, emotional, and cognitive development, creating a fun and inclusive atmosphere where all children can thrive.

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