
About Us

Shaping Little Minds was born of an idea within a family environment. 

Felix and Sara (father and daughter), motivated by their passion for psychology and education, decided to create this project where they could contribute to the benefit of children.

With their training and experience, they decided to undertake this project by developing a symbiosis between education and psychology with the aim of reaching more and more children and families.

Our Team

Their experience has driven an insightful knowledge of the different environments in education, taking the best of each one, improving upon areas where needed and led to the creation of this educational project.


Felix, a dedicated father to a large family of 7 children, has always been driven by his passion for education and psychology. He began his degree studies in 2013 and has since completed multiple university extension courses. He recently published his first book titled 'The Key Is Within You' (translation of 'La Clave Está En Ti'). Additionally, Felix serves as a coach and mentor, and he is responsible for leading and organizing a team within the company.


Sara, graduated in Early Childhood Education and has more than 10 years of experience educating children between Spain and London and in varied environments such as schools, nurseries, nanny, Spanish language teaching and tutoring.

"Help them achieve their greatest possible development..."


To undertake educational development work that is designed to help enhance the innate abilities that children between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old are to develop.

Through interactive sessions, we will use play as the main delivery tool while maintaining a pleasant and safe environment.

The aim of awakening and exercising their cognitive capacity, in accordance with their age, is to help them achieve their greatest possible development by the time they reach school age.


“Shaping Little Minds”.

Shaping Little Minds (SLM) stands at the forefront of a transformative approach to education. Our vision is clear: to be recognized as a beacon of excellence in teaching and learning. When individuals encounter the name “Shaping Little Minds,” we aspire for them to immediately resonate with our unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and holistic child development.

Our core belief revolves around the potency of play-based learning. We’re passionate about creating environments where children are empowered to make choices, driving their own educational narratives. This sense of autonomy not only ignites their innate curiosity but also fosters a deep-seated enthusiasm for exploration and discovery.

At SLM, every service we offer, every program we curate, is a testament to our dedication to nurturing young minds. 

We combine tried-and-true educational principles with innovative methodologies, ensuring that every child receives an experience that is both enriching and enjoyable.

So, when you think about Shaping Little Minds, envision a dedicated community, a dynamic approach to learning, and a promise of unparalleled quality. 

Together, let’s embark on a journey where every day is an opportunity to shape brighter futures.

Why Choose Us


We have a passion for education.

Qualified Team

Our EYFS based sessions are designed by a qualified team, working on the 4 key areas of development.

Multiple Intelligences

We promote the development of multiple intelligences such as emotional, linguistic, spatial or interpersonal intelligence, among others.

Attention and Relaxation

We introduce children to states of full attention and relaxation.


Toni Harley

We attended our first shaping little minds session it was great! There was a range of many different activities that helped support all different areas of learning! It was my sons (10 months old) first class he had ever attended so I love the fact that the children were allowed to freely explore and I wasn't made to feel like he had to sit still for the singing and adult led parts. My daughter also attened (she's 3) and she enjoyed all the activities set out. I would recommed this session for all ages as there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Katherine Yazhari

Hey Sara. Thanks so much for opening a class in NW3 area. It's such a unique session for the little ones. Nothing like this in London, I have a 3yo boy too so have got very acquainted with all the local classes. Your session is special. I am planning to get other friends involved.

Nisha Kotecha

... My nanny tells me that she has very much enjoyed the sessions! So we will certainly become regulars 😊

Raquel C L

My daughter's favourite class 🎉❤

Christina Henrik

Always fun, Sara!! Another great session

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